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About US

Service Times

Our Purpose

The purpose of Lighthouse Baptist Church is to seek the salvation of those that are lost, the edification of the believers through the teaching of God's Word, the encouragement of members to do the work of the ministry, the worldwide proclamation of God's saving grace through the shed blood and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary, the promotion of Godly worship, the defense of the faith once delivered unto the saints, and cooperation with Christian activities functioning in harmony with God's Holy Word, until Jesus comes for His church. 

Our Doctrinal Statement of Beliefs

Why are we an Independent Baptist church?

It is the intent of this church to function freely as a missionary, evangelistic, independent Baptist Church recognizing no ecclesiastical authority higher than the local assembly. Further, we will operate in a truly biblical, autonomous fashion.

Doctrine of Jesus Christ

We believe in the Deity of Christ; His virgin birth; His shed blood for atonement; His bodily resurrection; His ascension into Heaven there to be our Intercessor; His Lordship over all creation. 

Doctrine of Salvation

We believe in salvation by grace through faith; that salvation is the free gift of God, not by any virtue or works of man, but received only by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; and all true believers possess the gift of eternal life, a perfect righteousness, sonship in the family of God, and the divine guarantee that they shall never perish. 

Doctrine of Christ and His Second Coming

We believe in salvation by grace through faith; that salvation is the free gift of God, not by any virtue or works of man, but received only by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; and all true believers possess the gift of eternal life, a perfect righteousness, sonship in the family of God, and the divine guarantee that they shall never perish. 

What do we believe about the separation of Church and State?

We believe in the separation of Church and State; that God has ordained both, and has delegated authority to each; the authority of one must not interfere with the other; however, this does not mean that the State is to be non-religious nor does it mean that the church and its members may not be involved in the political processes of this nation. 

Doctrine of the Bible

We believe in the Holy Scriptures, accepting fully the writings of the Old and New Testament as the very Word of God, verbally inspired in all parts in its original autographs, our infallible and authoritative rule of faith and practice. The King James Version of the Bible shall be the official and only translation used by the church. 

Doctrine of the New Testament Church

We believe that a New Testament Church is an organized body of born-again baptized believers practicing scriptural ordinances and actively engaged in fulfilling the Great Commission. 

Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts of sin, makes believers children of God through the new birth, assuring them of Heaven, and by His indwelling enables Christians to live a Godly life. 

Doctrine concerning spirits of the dead

We believe that the spirits of the saved at death go immediately to be with Christ in Heaven; that at His coming their works will be judged and rewards determined; that the spirits of the unsaved at death descend immediately into Hell until the final day of judgment, at which time their bodies shall be raised from the grave, judged, and cast into the Lake of Fire, the place of final and everlasting punishment. 

Doctrine concerning officers of the church

We believe the officers of the church are pastors and deacons. In scripture, the pastor is also referred to as an elder. The two terms describe the same office. 

Doctrine of God

We believe there is one God eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

Doctrine of Man

We believe that all men are sinners by nature and choice, sinful and lost, and have within themselves no possible means of salvation without Christ. 

Doctrine of Satan

We believe in the existence of Satan, the deceiver, and god of this present world; that he was defeated and judged at the cross, and therefore his final doom is certain. 

Doctrine concerning the Priesthood of the Believer

We believe in the priesthood of all believers, that Christ is our Great High Priest and through Him, every born-again person has direct access into God's presence without the need of a human priest; that the believer has the right and responsibility to personally study and interpret the Scriptures guided by the Holy Spirit. 

Doctrines concerning the Scriptural Ordinances of the Church

We believe the two Scriptural ordinances given to the local church are baptism by immersion of believers only, and the Lord's Supper to be partaken of by obedient Christians. 

Why are we here?


Love God

Loving God begins in the heart, with a personal relationship with Him. As we gather and participate in Christ-honoring worship services and respond to the preaching of God’s Word, this love flourishes. Mark 12:30 says, “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.”


Grow Together

We grow together, in Christ, through the study of God’s Word. This occurs in our weekly services, in our smaller Sunday School Groups, and in one-on-one discipleship.


Reach Others

We reach others as we find a place of ministry in the local body. We also reach out by sharing the Gospel with those who need the Lord—through witnessing to friends, coworkers, neighbors, and loved ones, as well as in participating in church outreach and giving to missions.

As a church, our mission is to reach the world with the Gospel of Christ. We want to utilize every available biblical means, and we want to disciple and train every member to participate in accomplishing our church’s purpose.

Prayer & Bible Study

Wednesdays Starting at 7 pm

Youth & Kids Club

Wednesday Starting at 7ย am

Sunday School

Sundays at 10 am

Sunday Services

Sundays at 11 am & 5 pm

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